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Food Trivia Quiz - and you're invited!
Can you beat the average score of 7/10 in this quite fun Food & Beverage quiz?
Look forward to questions like "What is a "baguette"?" and "Which dark-green fruit is the main ingredient in guacamole?"
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Only a chef will master this quiz
If you can answer "Which type of pie is traditional at British Christmas feasts?" and maybe even "Tostadas are a food item of what type of cuisine?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this Food & Beverage quiz
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Food Quiz
6/10 is the score to beat in this Food & Beverage quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "Spaghetti is not the name of an entree but rather a variety of what food?" and "Which cheese is often grated on top of spaghetti?" easy!
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Home cook quiz
Can you beat the average score of 7/10 in this quite fun Food quiz?
Look forward to questions like "Double, Whipping and Clotted are varieties of what sort of food?" and "Which of the following is a type of stone fruit?"
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Food & Cooking Trivia Quiz
7/10 is the score to beat in this Food & Cooking quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "Which spice is often added to an apple pie filling?" and "Which ingredient can be clotted, heavy or light?" easy!
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Food and cooking quiz
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Food & Cooking quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Which French term means melted butter and flour?" and "At which time of day are croissants usually eaten?"
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Food Quiz
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Food & Beverage quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "What food group is milk in?" and "Which of these foods comes from the cuisine of Japan?"
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10 questions about drinks that most people will fail
7/10 is the score to beat in this Drinks 2 quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "What kind of juice is used in a Bloody Mary?" and "What is the main ingredient in a margarita?" easy!
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Food & Cooking Quiz
7/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Food & Cooking quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Roux is a mixture of butter and which other ingredient?" and "Which type of fruit are known as Plantain?"
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Quiz : food & cooking
6/10 is the score to beat in this Food and cooking quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "What comes after "eggs" for the breakfast dish featuring ham and Hollandaise sauce?" and "What cooking verb means to remove impurities from the surface of a liquid?" easy!
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Food & Cooking Trivia Quiz
7/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Food & Cooking quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Honeydew is a variety of which fruit?" and "The Cadbury, Fry and Rowntree families set up factories making which food?"
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10 food and cooking questions
If you can answer "What T is a name for a special coating to make pans nonstick?" and maybe even "French toast involves dipping bread into what, then frying?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 7/10 in this Food and cooking quiz
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Quiz : What do you know about food?
In this fun Food 03-2020 quiz we're going to ask questions like "What is pickled to make sauerkraut?" and "Butter is made from what?".
The average score so far is 7/10 correct answers
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Food & Cooking Trivia Quiz
7/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Food & Cooking quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Which fruit is associated with palm trees?" and "Which Italian word for milk is also a style of coffee?"
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Quiz for home cooks
In this fun Food & Beverage 2 quiz we're going to ask questions like "Chicken chow mein is a food item of what type of cuisine?" and "Salsa is a food item of what type of cuisine?".
The average score so far is 7/10 correct answers
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Food and cooking quiz
In this fun Food & Cooking quiz we're going to ask questions like "What meat is used in the dish of Alabama white wings?" and "Nutella spread is made from chocolate and which nut?".
The average score so far is 6/10 correct answers
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Only a chef will master this quiz
7/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Food & Beverage quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "Which vegetable grows underground like a potato?" and "Which kind of fruit is a cantaloupe?"
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Only a chef will master this quiz
If you can answer "What style restaurant serves Chicken Chow Mein?" and maybe even "Corned beef and what vegetable are a traditional St. Patrick's Day meal?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 7/10 in this Food & Beverage quiz
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Food & Cooking Trivia Quiz
6/10 is the score to beat in this Food & Cooking quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "Fish and Chips is a fast food from which country?" and "Birds Eye first sold which frozen vegetable in the 50s?" easy!
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Food Quiz
8/10 is the score to beat in this Food & Beverage quiz to put yourself over the average quiz taker. But you're probably going to be able to answer questions "What is the name of the pan used for stir frying in China?" and "What are seeds most often planted in?" easy!
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Food & Cooking quiz for home cooks and food lovers
If you can answer "The most popular brand of cream cheese in the United States is named after what city?" and maybe even "Which type of grass is known as Takhrai in Thai?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this Food & cooking 28-07-2020 quiz
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Quiz about desserts
6/10 is what people on average are scoring in this Desserts (Food) quiz so far. Are you ready to answer questions like "What kind of fruit is usually found in an upside down cake?" and "What pastry does an exotic dancer traditionally jump out of at a bachelor party?"
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Quiz for home cooks and food lovers
Can you beat the average score of 6/10 in this quite fun Food & Beverage quiz?
Look forward to questions like "A prune is what kind of dried fruit?" and "Which of these ingredients is the basis for Italian dressing?"
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Quiz : Dishes we used to eat
In this fun Dishes (Nostalgic) quiz we're going to ask questions like "What type of gravy was usually served with liver and bacon?" and "What type of meringue pie was a 70s classic?".
The average score so far is 7/10 correct answers
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Do you remember this ring?
If you can answer "What did an exciseman collect?" and maybe even "What did a bladesmith make?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this Dishes (Nostalgic) quiz
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Food and Cooking Quiz
If you can answer "What comes after "Taco", an American fast-food chain hugely popular in Central Americ.." and maybe even "A handheld Press can be used to make what Mexican food?" there is a good chance that you're going to beat the average score of 6/10 in this Food & cooking 28-07-2020 quiz
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Food & Cooking Quiz
In this fun Food & cooking 28-07-2020 quiz we're going to ask questions like "What is the most common type of porridge?" and "People who follow Vaishnavism don't eat garlic or which other item?".
The average score so far is 6/10 correct answers
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